What Is The “Right” Way To Parent Your Teen?


Parenting a teenager can be hard!

There are a lot of emotions, changes, and new experiences your teen is having to navigate before entering adulthood.

Parenting is one of the most challenging things you will ever do in your life. However, it can also be extremely rewarding and gratifying to experience. As a parent, you are a witness to the growth of your child, often from the very beginning.

Unfortunately, there is no step-by-step guide to show you exactly what to do as a parent in every situation…that would just take the fun out of it! However, there are a few ways you can guide your teen in a positive direction to become a wonderful human being:

Show Up For Your Teen

Life can get busy and time goes by so fast!

Showing up for your teen and dedicating time to create moments for connection is a key part of supporting your teen to feel loved, seen, and connected to you.

Showing up means authentically being present, spending consistent and uninterrupted quality time together.

Believe In Your Teen

Always assume the best with your teenager’s actions! Respond to your teen’s decision-making with curiosity rather than anger and contempt.

Although your teen is close to being considered an adult, they are still learning a lot about the world and how to independently navigate through life’s challenges. Guide them with understanding and compassion, rather than shame and judgment. This shift will go a long way and will support your teen to feel loved, regardless of their mistakes.

When you show that you believe in and see the best in your teen, they will have an easier time seeing the best within themselves too.

Lead By Example

Your guidance and overall responses to life itself can be vital training moments for your teen.

Through your example, your teenager will learn how to handle the challenges that life will bring. When you work through difficult situations with a positive mindset, this sets a healthy example and foundation for your teen to follow.

Practice Positive Parenting Techniques

  • Words of affirmation can be a great tool to communicate love and guidance to your teen. You may try praising specific actions and choices they make. Over time, this teaches them what they should continue to do more of, rather than highlighting what they need to constantly change about themselves. Supportive communication breeds self-compassion and empowerment. Teaching them how to let go of past mistakes and focus on good choices to make in the future helps build your teenager’s confidence in their ability to live independently.

  • Set boundaries that support your teen while allowing them the space to make mistakes. With boundaries, your teen can safely explore the space they have been given to accept their false judgments, apply their new understanding, and grow as a person without feeling forced or out of control of their own decisions.

  • Let go of things you can’t control. It won’t be easy, but a good place to start is by choosing to trust that your teen will be okay. Our mistakes often end up becoming some of our greatest lessons; that is true of your teenager as much as it is for you. Do you best as a parent and then trust that your training will help them move forward in the world as fully equipped as possible.

The real secret is this: there is no perfect way to parent. The ‘right’ way to parent is the loving way.

When guiding your teen with compassion, authenticity, empathy, and positive support, your teen can learn how to navigate through life in a healthy way that will lead them to success in the future.

If you’re struggling with your confidence as a parent or need help guiding your child, meeting with a licensed family therapist can help you to feel supported.

If you’re looking for a family psychologist who can support you and your teen to better connect and understand one another, InTune Family Counseling can help. We provide virtual therapy and in-person family therapy in Santa Rosa, CA, along with the surrounding areas in Sonoma County. You and your family are important to us!

Get in touch with us today to find out how counseling can help your teenager and your family.


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